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 =  time only
Corina Dragomir
[19.Oct.04 20:13]
why did you write "across" instead of "across"? is it a typing mistake or is there some idea that you thought of while writing this poem. help me find out the real reason for which you omitted the use of the auxiliary "have"/3rd person singular (present perfect simple) unpreceeded by the personal pronoun "it" in "it's like today and never been before". concerning the deliberate transformation of the adjective "white" into a verb I still have some reserves even though for poetic purposes it may be suitable. I liked your poem.

 =  .
Corina Dragomir
[19.Oct.04 20:28]
"accross" as it appears in the title.

 =  Corina
Motoc Lavinia
[20.Oct.04 17:13]
I am sorry to have dissapointed you,' accross' was just a spelling mistake made very early in the morning.
As for omitting the' have' and saying 'never been before'. I have to say that I made a compromise for the sake of the rhythm and melody. I think it is pretty costumary.
I am glad you liked it.

+ why across? because...
Luminita Suse
[06.Nov.04 20:39]
I have read this poem several times... needless to say that I find it perfect! There is always something in your verses that stays with me long after reading them.

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