Comentariile membrilor:

 =  I wonder
Mihaela Maxim
[01.Jun.04 15:23]
how the light will sound to your eyes
when you'll find it
I like this also, but such a great sadness
makes me feel worry

 =  don't worry!
Bethany Lerie
[01.Jun.04 20:08]
it was written for a friend to let her know she really isn't as alone as she thinks (she's always been rejected by her family, unwanted child). thank you for your remarks!

 =  In a depressive way, I loved it
Bogdan Matei Alecu
[07.Jun.04 14:22]
Chilling, but exceptionally well done. It's got a Dickens meets E.A. Poe feeling to it. Great!

 =  watching
Florian Ardelean
[07.Jun.04 23:30]
A fine piece of art. It really is something hard to find here, in this section of the site. Worth reading, re-reading and digesting.
Great job, I'll be watching you from now on.

 =  thanks
[22.Jun.04 22:38]
"loneliness seems to breathe" the image i have always wanted to describe in what i have written...thank you for giving me a clue!

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