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 =  definition ? why ?
Anca Anghel Novac
[30.May.04 05:51]
Well, I understand what you want to say, but you really think that poetry is the right "definition" for what you want to say?
Maybe it is the right way to express yourself but definitely it would be too much to say that:
"The poem
Is the right?

The word "definition" would be too "harsh"in this case. Don't you think?
Especially for this sensitive domain, which is poetry.

Poetry never ever tried to define something.
This was just my opinion. :)

 =  compact
Mihaela Maxim
[11.Jun.04 17:10]
anca-yes, "Poetry never ever tried to define something."
that's why the Gioconda's face reveals the painter
I think you can't put a poem in words, you could try to tell what's inside you when you read it and there is another poem growing there, understanding the first one...
this is only my opinion...I think

 =  I will write more
Anca Maria Morcovescu
[11.Jun.04 23:49]
Anca and Mihaela,

thank you for your thoughts. I promise to come back soon with a kind of answer to what you said here.

Thank you again.

 =  Adrian
Adrian Brudaru
[22.Jul.04 12:11]
of what you want to say
about yourself. "

I am not going to complain about 'definition', the point i want to make is that the poem you write is seldom the poem you wanted to write. I for one, after finishing a poem i go 'umm did I write that?' Atleast that goes for me.

 =  answer
Anca Maria Morcovescu
[20.Jul.13 02:21]
yes, my friends,
true--many times the poetry writes us ... and then we , indeed ask ourselves: is this me? least on page?
It took me a while to think of the answer...just kidding. :)

 =  re-write-rebirth
Anca Maria Morcovescu
[20.Jul.13 02:34]
See the variant of this poem

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