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 =  "queen"
Irina Iacovescu
[16.May.04 04:45]
I don't recognize you, in this poem. It's violent and bitter, like a bad dream. It took me some time to get used to its "sound", but I'm ok now. Here is one suggestion for the end, so it sounds better:
"I have enough mud on my heart
Enough blood on my hands
Enough nightmares
running around
one after the other"
If it shocked me, it doesn't mean I didn't like it. I did. Keep on writing!
:) irina

 =  friends will be friens
Mihaela Maxim
[01.Jun.04 15:17]
your poem lives
I like it
don't be sad
cause it feets you
with all the music
running there
through yours ears
towards ours

 =  irina said it
Elena Malec
[04.Jun.04 06:54]
you seem indeed sad, Daniel.
Yet, I would say, it is only a fugitive thought, a disenchantment with the worldly ways.

I don't find the bitterness in your poem. On the contrary, by that "mamma mia" you put a smile on my sad face.

Mihaela is also right.
The final part needs some attention.The English rendering, if know you what I mean.

I would say:
"Enough nightmares
chasing each other
around and about

In case you find the final word too profane, you may say

by George!

I invite you to see my Romanian pages the following days.
I am going to post a very nice poem by St. Aug. Doinas, "Sfantul Gheorghe cel Fals".
I love this poem so much and I am sure you will love it too.
I also know that you will understand it and learn for the beauty of its verse and also from the disenchantment with the worldly ways of a great poet.


 =  I can hardly wait
Mihaela Maxim
[04.Jun.04 19:35]
elena, I readed the poems already there and I like them all. we are waiting the following ones. thak you!
hello daniel, I hope that you too like those poems.

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