Comentariile membrilor:

 =  welcome
Anca Anghel Novac
[03.May.04 04:23]
A poem about life and death, about what is and what is not important, about freedom and thinking.
A poem about a daughter missing her mother.

Welcome and keep writing.

Interesting poetry.

 =  As you came do not let us waiting
Mihaela Maxim
[03.May.04 18:48]
Nice and gentle. Thank you.

+ star
Anca Anghel Novac
[03.May.04 20:04]
missed the star

 =  Yes
Daniel Dinescu
[04.May.04 15:16]
Welcome and congratulations for a first poem in English!
I like your text, though I really think is a little bit longer than it should me, but that's not my decision.
"Versus the coming darkness" - I don't like this expresion, but taken as a whole, the poem is a success! :)
Hope you will continue the same way!

 =  en memorial
Bethany Lerie
[04.May.04 20:50]
I can see this etched in stone, a memorial to a life lived fearlessly. bravo! keep it up, your words are a blessing.

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