Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Poetry in motion
Olteanu Irina
[14.Nov.03 10:04]
Should we understand that you're inspired by the winter?

 =  suggestion
Dana Popa
[14.Nov.03 23:57]
words running like small birds.. doesn't it sound better?

 =  too short for yours"big mind"isn't it?
[16.Nov.03 01:13]
when you are "magister" this view appears like everything-
else or like a very,but very short poem indeed...

 =  Words running...
Axel Lenn
[17.Nov.03 03:08]
Because it depicts a moment. It doesn't just sound better, it is better...
What's length got to do with... everything?

 =  Almost a prayer
Iuliana Ungureanu
[19.Nov.03 18:03]
Almost a haiku....almost a prayer, well done.

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