Comentariile membrilor:

 =  essence
felix nicolau
[09.May.07 17:10]
interesting poetical "script", featuring all Lewis's playful imagination

 =  too generous...
Romulus Campan Maramuresanu
[09.May.07 19:22]
Too generous you are my friend with my play on words.
Your comments are highly appreciated.

Thanks again.

 =  About the pollution of Narnian soil
John Willy Kopperud
[17.May.07 15:07]

A fair and humorous warning against penetrating the ground where pooetry grows with an unsuspecting beak.

Congratulations, Romulus!

 =  Romulus!
John Willy Kopperud
[17.Jul.07 13:34]

Since I'm referring tu your representation of traditional Christian belief it would be most interesting to get
a response from you on the views in the essay #The Lasting
Problem of Evil" and the comments.

Respectfully yours


 =  Romulus!
John Willy Kopperud
[08.Aug.07 17:18]

I am sorry if I have used the ENTER button twice instead of
once on some occasions. In the future I will try to avid this error.

One day soon you will get an answer to your answer. (or something in that general direction.)

With respect and enthusiasm

 =  angry
[27.Jan.08 16:16]
utterances of an angry imaginative man !

 =  mazHur
Thank you mazHur, spot on.
And since 2007, I have become even angrier.


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