Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Images of SIBIU Please
Edilberto González Trejos
[04.Jan.07 22:01]
I wonder if one of the Editors could uplodad an image of SIBIU.

Thanks in advance


 =  sorry about the missing picture
felix nicolau
[25.Jan.07 22:15]
What impressed me is your critical and lucid tone. At the beginning i was a little skeptical about the officiality of the subject, but you have a strong vein of action journalist

 =  Sibiu
Heghedus Camelia
[14.Feb.07 10:32]
is, for me, the loveliest town of Romania, maybe because of its particular atmosphere.

 =  .
Dana Muºat
[13.Mar.07 17:03]
It's a very beautiful city. Have u ever seen it? I reality?

 =  late reply for Felix, Cami & Dana
Edilberto González Trejos
[13.Mar.07 17:57]
Salut & Cheers FELIX, CAMI & DANA!!!
Sorry for the late reply...
This article that is a humble homage to this Nation I have learned to admire, love & respect.
As a Hispanic descendant I always look at Romanians as our Balcanic Latin Romance Cousins since childhood.
This link is stronger now.



P.s. Dana, I still have not had the great opportunity to travelto ROMANIA...

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