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+ Dan Marius
Corina Gina Papouis
[18.Mar.09 23:41]
I loved your poem of God, a soft tone within the sharp edges of a well controlled protest…
It also feels different than your previous work, less aggressive yet zooming in closely to the core of what we think/ hate/ hope/ deny about God...
A cross between ‘Blasphemous rumours’ (DM) and ‘What if God was one of us’ (Joanne Osborne) – if this was a song!:)

‘Panic my love, it’s time to rise’ ticked all my boxes!



 =  corina
dan marius
[19.Mar.09 12:48]
dear Corina,
I know it sounds like a poem about the way I relate to God but it is not. It's actually a poem about love. It comes as a cry for help, a cry for truth, a demand for a way out of the experience of excruciating pain. It's a poem about despair, about sheer madness, about fear, about my inability to find peace. God is definitely not alone. I am. WE are. I also find it utterly aggressive and sharp. It's violence though, is somewhat.. let's say mute. Yes, it's definitely a poem that implodes and crushes within itself. Thank you for the feedback.

 =  .
dan marius
[19.Mar.09 13:04]
its* violence. sorry

 =  Dan Marius
Corina Gina Papouis
[19.Mar.09 14:45]
Yes, I may have looked towards your poem from a different angle, yes, I may have even taken your sarcasm lightly, however, you chose to expose the whole message through God – subconscious is a powerful thing they say - therefore I stay with what I take from it, otherwise why even bother mentioning his name?

PS How do you know God is not alone?...

 =  corina
dan marius
[19.Mar.09 15:21]
I have always believed that God is love. Now I know that this sounds like a postmortem hippie anthem, but I really believe that the only way to truly understand God is love. And I have also been thinking about Jesus and what his death meant to mankind. And I didn't think of him as God, but just as a simple man. Who loved each and every one of us. And then I thought of myself. Would I be willing to die for the one I love? Would the one I love be willing to die for me? What is love really? How do we understand love? How do we relate to it? Are we capable of loving? Is it true? Is it, let's say.. ideal? Is it real? How much can WE love? The poem deals with these questions. For me, they remain unanswered.

 =  Dear Dan, dear Corina
Simona Sumanaru
[20.Mar.09 18:13]
Sorry to intervene into your conversation, but I wanted to share this with you. I’ve done many bad things in my life (I lied, cheated, cursed, hated, broke my promises, divorced, was proud, arrogant and many other ugly things) until I found myself alone (or so I thought). No country, nothing and no one pleased me anymore, while at the same time I felt unable to cope with my “loneliness”. When I called on God for directions, He was right there.

I used to say I don’t care for priests, churches or tradition because I thought I was smart, strong and knowledgeable enough to have my own religion, set my own rules, break them, reinvent them, without ever reading the Bible. I called myself an Orthodox without knowing what being an Orthodox actually meant. Then God showed me just how arrogant and ignorant I was. In reading God’s Holy Word I began to understand what He expects of me. He gave me an insight into the way He thinks, which is not the way I think. God’s logic is holy logic, mine was earthly, material logic.

I know Jesus is real, because I saw Him. I know Satan is real, because I saw him. I know my good angel is real because I saw and spoke with my angel. God is not alone, but neither are we. His breath is in our nostrils every second and His touch is on our skin with every rain drop, gush of air or snow flake that falls from the sky. All bad things are also signs of love. They are God’s love for us so we could learn to do better; God’s love for Satan whom He hasn’t destroyed in hopes he would change his ways. God never hates anyone, He only hates the bad things we do.

We shouldn’t ask ourselves what others would do for us, because that is pride, but what we could do for them. We should do all the good things, give all the help, speak all the good words, show all the good feelings and think all the good thoughts that our hearts ask of us the moment they do, without postponing. That is a gift, a chance for us to grow and live better.

God shows us through Jesus how we should be, what love is, how we should love. He was available for everyone even when He was tired, hungry or tried. Fear is the only limit to our infinite (love) capabilities. Love is the highest goal we should set for ourselves, for once we learn to love like that, we receive holiness. God commands us to “Be Holy, for I the Lord Thy God Am Holy.”(Leviticus 19:2) If we walk the right path, tomorrow we can be ten times better than today, because love is growth and understanding. Jesus Christ is the ultimate proof of the intensity of God’s love for us. We mocked Him, humiliated Him, betrayed Him, spat on Him, tortured Him and eventually killed Him, yet God loved us still. I can’t even begin to imagine how God must have felt in His heart while we did all that to His son…

I am but a child now who’s just started to open its eyes, but I’m trying to learn to do better and be better with every day. Hope this can be of some help to you.

 =  simona
dan marius
[24.Mar.09 10:34]
dear sim
thank you for the sensitive and beautiful comment. I am really glad that you managed to "find" God. As I am writing, I keep looking at the bottom of the page. It says "GOD = LOVE". They might be wrong.

 =  hi dan
Simona Sumanaru
[24.Mar.09 20:05]
still got a long way to go in the money jungle; I wish for wisdom. It’d be a bit easier if I were somewhere down in Africa, feeding little kids and teaching them how to read and write - my ideal job. I can’t see the page you’re talking about. What is it that you’re questioning?

 =  God is alone
Ada Ionescu
[29.Mar.09 19:28]
Agonizing, biting intensity. Beautiful!

 =  ada
dan marius
[30.Mar.09 14:32]
to quote Cobain, "as beautiful as a rock in a cop's face". thanks

 =  djemagu
[04.Apr.09 21:38]
thanks for this beautiful poem...

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