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 =  would...?
Marius Surleac
[16.Feb.09 23:18]
Horia, this poem arouse some beautiful memories in me. That boulevard is a great one - when I've been to Berlin last year, I've visited and gives a sort of inner peacefulness for those who pass through.
That "dada" feeling comes with your passion for words, for life gliding like from a spring, fresher and fresher with each day. Then, that rush from the crux of the poem gives to readers the idea of "how wonderful is life" and "how fast time flows".

I've pointed out "my tongue will carve my name on your shoulder" and "two flowers in-between the pages of the night" - wonderful.

P.S. Hope I'll read in your page a poem about Tiergarten! :)

Well done!


 =  nice
Lynn West
[17.Feb.09 19:16]
Passion flows in this poetry!

 =  berlin
Horia Mocanu
[17.Feb.09 19:32]
well, berlin can start passions in a poet, as i see in you Marius. those who haven't been there yet, should. hope i caught some of the spirit in these verses.

@ lynn - thanks for the visit. hope you will come again and enjoy what you read. cheers. Horia

+ We will...
John Willy Kopperud
[18.Feb.09 11:59]
...torture words till they speak only what we want to hear.
Passion and raw dadaism in Berlin, a city I miss more than
most others I have visited. Fine and unconvential writing,
Horia! - Cheers from Willy

 =  Simply WONDERFUL!
Ada Ionescu
[28.Feb.09 20:13]
Exquisite, splendid poetry!

 =  love it !
Laura Cherecheº
[29.Mar.09 19:30]
"i shall purr a bit curled up in the lap of faith"
"two flowers in-between the pages of the night"

You created some wonderful images here, great inspiration!

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