Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Vivid, with effective and beautiful images...
John Willy Kopperud
[18.Jan.09 20:41]
...which I really do appreciate. Your fine poetry is most welcome here!
Cheers from Willy

 =  ...
Horia Mocanu
[19.Jan.09 10:28]

Thank you Willy for the welcome. I hope all the meanings of my poetry become clear since the translation is made by myself and I'm far from being a professional.

 =  Strong comparison effect.
Ada Ionescu
[01.Mar.09 09:39]
The starry "Would you" made me read more of your poems.
I really enjoyed readind your text, so much based on poetic analogy and association. Enticing!

 =  cheers from horia
Horia Mocanu
[01.Mar.09 18:38]
ada, please visit again, there's entire volume :) cheers. horia

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