Comentariile membrilor:

+ Quite visual, this poem...
John Willy Kopperud
[25.Nov.08 10:07]
...and a fine way of passing on the feelings and the experiences in the text.
Cheers from Willy

 =  Thank you, Willy!
Ada Ionescu
[25.Nov.08 15:38]
Alchemic mould

From the northern fjords
you take this melt, leaden sky
and pour it into
a star shaped day.
My November's got a glowing complexion!

 =  j
felix nicolau
[09.Dec.08 19:33]
i liked it too. as for the last 2 lines, i would 've put them away

 =  Felix, thank you! Devoid of pretense...
Ada Ionescu
[09.Dec.08 20:36]
Thank you for reading, Felix. I am really glad you like the lines above…
You are the third person to comment on what I’ve wrote... I think we equally write for “The other” as we do it for ourselves, so it’s quite important to have some reactions. The better if positive! :) I must confess that, before submitting, I thought about ending the poem with the image of the darkening fingers (maybe it would have been an elegant version, if based on some symbolic and arcane style), but the two final ones came
to me and... I decided the last variant would be a more genuine, unfeigned one because it gathered accurately my feelings. Anyway, I will think about your remark and maybe do some changes.
Thank you! Ada

 =  nice one
Horia Mocanu
[01.Mar.09 18:48]
Bent afternoon and the comfortless sobbing of
glass guillotined raindrops...excellent. i like your metaphors.

 =  : )
Ada Ionescu
[02.Mar.09 21:12]
:) I guess I like yours even more. That's why "I'll be back!" on your page, whenever time will allow me to.
Thank you!

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