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 =  welcome new member!
Marius Surleac
[15.Nov.08 00:19]
Interesting. I think that the shape of the text brings more like poetry no prose.

Obs: "no one" instead of "noone"

Best wishes,

 =  Mikki
George Asztalos
[18.Nov.08 10:00]
I am a newcommer too and thinking that the value of our stuff is more interesting than gramar what I liked about this it's the thing that we have to wake up somtimes when life becomes like nightmare. it's a lovely tirednes the one who brings us to sleepy darknes...:)
otherwise you made a lovely childish conversation here about very grave and hatefull things for growned-ups. that's in my opinion the click wich turned poetry on and let the miracols to happend...:)
lovely and a bit jalous,
george the asztalos

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