Comentariile membrilor:

 =  nice!
Marius Surleac
[14.Oct.08 22:36]
Hmm! You left away the sonnets and posted this short but powerful poem, a bit sad but very visual.

Well done Ionut!


 =  *
Ionut Popa
[15.Oct.08 11:56]
Marius, the fact that I posted this short poem doesn't mean I will stop writing and posting sonnets in future. :)

Thanks for your kind words!


 =  !
Marius Surleac
[15.Oct.08 12:13]
Of course you won't stop - what I said above is that you paused a bit the sonnets and made some place for this short poem.


 =  Marius,
Ionut Popa
[15.Oct.08 12:19]
Yes! :)


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