Comentariile membrilor:

 =  opinion
Marius Surleac
[29.Sep.08 20:59]
I see this dream more like a recovered memory from past time, with Beatles singing on the background, with a slim religious shape drawn beneath.

Best wishes,

 =  corn is an interesting metaphor
Mike Aspros
[30.Sep.08 18:45]
which was a crop sustaining indigenous cultures, and therefore they had religious relevance for it. This poem reads as something starved in the past that now recalled in magnitude significants. I like this poem, and the images. best, mike

 =  Mike and Marius...
Romulus Campan Maramuresanu
[30.Sep.08 19:40]
Thanks dear friends. It's all just yesterday's reality, returned as a dream. Both hurt...
You've both understood so well the meanings.

Thank you so much again for your thoughts.

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