Comentariile membrilor:

 =  !!!
Marius Surleac
[09.Jun.08 09:03]
“that opens its way through the darkness” instead of “throw”, “let be” instead of “lets be”, “I was the one that is dead” instead of “that is death”.

 =  I have corrected the entry
Santorelli Iovino
[02.Nov.10 10:25]
Thanks again and sorry again for writing so many articles in one day, but I am not in any hurry, if you want you can see them at your own pace, in accord with your timing.
I am sure that you are a busy person; so take your time.
Best regards

 =  Thanks
Santorelli Iovino
[14.Aug.20 00:52]
Noted and cirrected, thank you. I need to study an English grammar

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