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ion amariutei
[15.Feb.08 05:31]
quirky logic, as it becomes a haiku, good rhythm (steps, shadow, light) and just a dash of absurd to make it interesting (steps on the wall). purists will protest, but i think you’re on the right track

 =  I thank you Ion!
Marius Surleac
[15.Feb.08 10:08]
I am overwhelmed!
I thank you very much for this honor and hope that I won't disappoint you regarding the "right track".
Once again thank you!

 =  Those noisy steps on the wall
Ada Ionescu
[28.Oct.08 21:28]
I liked it too! :) Few words generating a world to reflect on.

 =  danke!
Marius Surleac
[28.Oct.08 21:32]
There's a different way of perceiving physics of our days. I like my poems to be very visual, the reader to see the image I thought about when writing.

Thank you Ada!


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