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 =  Planets with life - Dana
Edilberto González Trejos
[28.Feb.08 23:40]
It is Nice.
"stars with personality"
and planets with life


 =  Ellipse!
Marius Surleac
[29.Feb.08 10:32]
Like Songo said, the poem is nice, it reflects something beyond us but my only suggestion to this poem is that I would have used "ellipse" instead of "circle", because astronomy is based on ellipsoid shapes and movement of celestial objects rather than circles.
Cheers from Marius!

 =  .
Dana Muºat
[05.Mar.08 16:31]
thank you for the fact that you did not forgot me. I expect you to come offen.

"ellipse" is good, but is not what i meant to show. Thank you.

 =  you rock!
Marius Surleac
[06.Mar.08 10:46]
I know that is not what you meant but circle means "perfection" and ellipse means "complexity".

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