Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Inside the panorama of my anguish
Dana Muºat
[10.Dec.05 20:31]
I am very
feeling this you deep inside of me.
touch my eyes with your white,
tender cut of lips.

Nice poem, Joshua!

 =  The oblivion from infinity and beyond
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[11.Dec.05 04:10]
In the status of total blankness, untamed shallowness coz of emptiness[cold spaces] so dead, very dead/lonely,
like when you go out through the outer space, but then the difference is, no stars, no patch of pearls, no light to give warmth, all those had vanished

you are weightless over nothing.

And the feeling of oblivion, inside your anger, the feeling of no control, where you see only darkness, as this anger continues you'll feel death, and barreness...

thnx Dana for passing by

 =  transparent oblivion
Akira Sendoh
[15.Dec.05 03:11]
transparent amnesia, the limitless-void, lost on the path, nothing more to see, God lives in the empty spaces, not to mention we all know, the flow of words as well as its goal, it reached its task to emphazise the (Amnesia) so called oblivion.

 =  endless void
Edilberto González Trejos
[16.Dec.05 17:26]
Facing the endless void within and what a way to express it!
All the best Josh


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