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 =  what you see is not what you get
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[23.Nov.05 02:47]
never look on the words, better for you to dig for it!

 =  Spreading my wings
Dana Muºat
[24.Nov.05 11:34]
Thanks for telling me to look in the middle of the words. But without reading that i already did because i think that when u read a poetry, you must do it with your full mind and i mustn't look at the words, just the words.

Althought every poetry is a personal note, i think this text is a prove that you are what u are writting to be.

"Is a corpse resurrected by you"-maybe this part shows as the normally reflected in that window...the window that was build deep inside you.

Good text, sorry for my hurring-up.:)

 =  we are for what we write, as we are for who we are!
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[27.Nov.05 05:09]
I do believe that ones reflection exists in his/her kinda stuff, more over I always knew that everyone writes for a reason as of me!
I write coz I want to express my self, and I want to draw my deeper thoughts. I usually use corpse to symbolize my grief, when ever I'm hurt, or in spite thAT I feel a bit foolish for my actions, especially when I had done something wrong. What went wrong about me, is that I loved her so much That I could have killed my self to death..

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