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 =  Frozen tears turning to oblivion
Dana Muºat
[05.Nov.05 20:18]
Hy Sheila!

First i would like to say that i liked your poem, but it has little negative situations.
Let my tell you:

1)you are telling us about the frozen teras twice and is not a good repetition.

2)"pain is beyond human can imagine"-this is the only part of the text which i haven't liked. Why? Because i thing is not a revelation, is just an ideea, not original, to used by the poets.

3)"Of a dead soul…"-this is too simple. Don't get my wrong, the simple ideeas are good, but not perfect in every situation.

There is a "black feeling" in your poem that i like, i can feel the anger of your voice, screaming the words in this poem.

 =  *
Dana Muºat
[05.Nov.05 20:20]
I think, not thing


 =  anyways,,thanks for the suggestions!...its really appreciated!it'll be of great
Sheila Marie Ogaña
[06.Nov.05 16:10]
yeah...i've noticed that...ive written it continuously while im reeeeallly angry...i didnt edit it.i want to preserve the "anger" within it.i intentionally neglect the feeling of editing it...

 =  (",)
Sheila Marie Ogaña
[07.Nov.05 15:18]
great help..i mean..*scratches head*"wheres the word help in my comment anyway?..i remember typing it..."

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