Comentariile membrilor:

+ Willy, here is
Veronica Vãleanu
[20.Dec.13 16:25]
one of those jewels of yours.
I prefer to remain silent when the text speaks by itself.

 =  superb
ion a
[02.Jan.14 13:10]
congrats Willy and happy holidays everybody!

if you read it aloud, your version sounds better, but shouldn't be "one more eternity"?

+ yes.
dan marius
[06.Jan.14 18:14]
no need to say more.

 =  Veronica, Ion, Dan Marius:
John Willy Kopperud
[07.Jan.14 12:25]
Thank you so much for your generous responses and a happy New Year to each and all of you!
Cheers from Willy

 =  Ion..
John Willy Kopperud
[07.Jan.14 12:30]
I'm a bit unsure whether it's grammatically incorrect to place "more" as the last word in the line as I did. The reason why I did so might be that I enjoyed the sound of it.
Cheers from Willy

 =  one eternity more
raj thampi
[08.Jan.14 22:21]
I don't know grammar, but I did like the way it sounds John :) "one eternity more"

 =  your grammar is better
ion a
[10.Jan.14 17:21]
i'm not a grammar expert either, just tried something like "one more thing" vs "one thing more", but this is a very good poem and this particular license is probably part of its charm

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