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 =  Very good
Luminita Suse
[03.Apr.13 05:23]
I like your minimalist style. Concise and precise. The repetition makes it a chant. Avoid "like" in verse #3 and the crowded enumeration in the second stanza. Consider using couplets throughout the poem, they could be more effective. Pay attention to line breaks, a poem can be visual. Here:

this is a different kind
of pain, mute and clean

a scalpel cut
does not reveal itself

subtle & calculated
it hides well

you can only feel it
when it wants to be felt

it consumes you
and you let it in

it knows you well
it knows you love it

this pain is you
this pain is your


 =  hey
dan marius
[03.Apr.13 10:59]
heya, thank you. yes, your version sounds (and reads) very nice. I'd give you a yellow star if I could :) but you can't "award" comments now, can you?
anyways, good to see you and thank you again.

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