Comentariile membrilor:

 =  ?
Romulus Campan
[04.Feb.13 11:55]
Hi Raj,

What about those who just fight and survive, giving credit to those around them and eventually themselves:-)


 =  god bless, us
raj thampi
[05.Feb.13 07:54]
Hi rc
Interesting questions, the day when I meet a person who is 100% confident and swears by the name of GOD *smiles* that, he gives himself the entire credits for being a survivor, get back to you with a definite answer.

Till then GOD bless us

 =  OMG:-)
Romulus Campan
[05.Feb.13 11:40]
Oops mate,

Don't count on me for such, because even if I turned into a "fiery" agnostic, I still have a feeling of not being "alone":-)

Looking forward to meeting you more often here:-)

Oh, and re your >> (which is btw FFW and not Skip:-) "comment" sent to offtopic, my friend have mercy next time and attach an explanation note to it, as not everybody understands these signs, which are not ecactly suited for literary comments. If something isn't palatable for the reader, silence speak sometimes more than words...

I shall hope seeing you back soon!

With friendly respect,


 =  The Talk
raj thampi
[05.Feb.13 12:03]
Hi rc

Thanks for bringing one *missing* smile back to me, I am still looking out for most of them. Anyway, I just got back into the track of arranging words properly and will remember you suggestion not to try out other davinci codes :)

For a while, I am back, and GOD bless.



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