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+ Fahredin, this Insatiable thing
Veronica Vãleanu
[25.Jan.13 12:29]
you have this alchemic penchant of putting conceps into poetic shape, this is what I've noticed about your texts even from the beginning; I admire this, you know how to use power and make it work.

the earth is a woman indeed, with all its conglomerates which first were nothing but fluids
the way I see this mammoth idea - it really seems to be the demon/daemon part, embedded into earth, like a supreme, evil condition (burden)
&losing the reason is the return to the state of raw material.
so, this is a good text.

3 typos: correct here [is hidden in the layers of the rocks], [of the Divine] and [until it loses]

- do not forget that you can submit the Spanish version to the Spanish section, by following the flag appearing on the screen on the right side, up - log in with the same password

Kind regards,

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