Comentariile membrilor:

 =  happily sad...
Romulus Campan
[19.Dec.12 13:00]
Oh my...
I wish I would be given such great friends and friendships:-/)

Günsel, I hope you're not leaving neither the Solar System, nor us?

I know it sounds a bit mean, but now that you will be geographically separated, I shall HOPE you'll be BOTH more present here, where I myself TRULY and BADLY missed both YOU and your WRITINGS:-)) Yes, I know, I should have been myself more present in the recent past...

Anyways, ABSOLUTE AND HEARTFELT BEST WISHES to your new endeavours, looking forward to hearing from you and reading you... more:-))

With all my, and our best!


 =  cry me a river:X
Corina Gina Papouis
[20.Dec.12 19:47]
for being cruel to us both :P.
great job Gunsel!

 =  Touching words-
John Willy Kopperud
[20.Dec.12 20:54]
about a friendship inside this staff. Forgive my ignorance, Günsel. Are you going back to Turkey? Will you keep on being an editor here? Anyway; the best of luck for you!
Cheers from Willy

 =  allow me Willy:p
Corina Gina Papouis
[20.Dec.12 21:00]
Gunsel is moving to another office..a few miles away..
we are drama queens! :p

 =  from NASA with love (Hello, Houston, we've got a problem:-))
Romulus Campan
[20.Dec.12 21:28]
A few miles away????

Corina, I have just spoken to NASA, they are having a free place for you as we all know all these "another offices a few miles away" are outside the Solar system; talked also to Ridley Scott:-))))))))

All my friendly love to all of you!!!


 =  Good to hear-
John Willy Kopperud
[20.Dec.12 21:47]
Corina, that Günsel hasn't picked up travelling in a telephone booth.
Cheers from Willy

 =  gentlemen
Corina Gina Papouis
[20.Dec.12 21:58]
we may be separated by mountains, water, language barriers, cultures or snow...the union of minds under this text is amazing and I thank you for it..

Nasa? Apollo 13 has touch down. The weather on the Moon is beautiful and I just decorated my first crater! I shall call it Gunsel..:p

Corina out..:p

 =  Solar System
[23.Dec.12 21:55]
Hi Dear Romulus

Thank you for your good wishes. No I am not leaving Agonia neither London just needed a new start.

I will bump into you in the Solar System:D

I would like to use this opportunity and wish you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.

[24.Dec.12 21:38]
Dear All

We were at the Base (NASA) a few years ago and I felt that the ship lacked windows and a feeling that you were sailing and you still felt like you were at HOUSTON on the Freedom? How did it compare in that sense to Serenade?
When there were no tears to cry and there was no one but you were a shoulder to me to cry on...@ Agonia
When my pot run dry/to hold and to hug/in pain and when I lost all my hopes and dreams you stood by me with your comments

I am definitely sure I will run into you on a cruise sometime from HOUSTON to NASA!
These words cannot describe how lucky I am to have you as FRIEND.

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to all of you and to Agonia readers.

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