Comentariile membrilor:

+ the factotum homo hierarchicus
Veronica Vãleanu
[03.Jul.12 11:29]
a very bold text!
all of them benchmarking each other (but always inside the same sodality) against what they are not, after all
their input is meant to give one chills down the spine.

I really was spellbound, FS.

 =  Fahredin
Fahredin Shehu
[03.Jul.12 15:39]
Thank you Veronica for the time you spent reading and gives mych delight to me and strength to continue...

 =  That blend
John Willy Kopperud
[04.Jul.12 12:09]
-of linguistic and geometrical images was indeed exquisite!
Cheers from Willy

 =  The altar
Fahredin Shehu
[04.Jul.12 14:25]
Thank you very much indeed dear John Willy Kopperud...Your comment is very valuable to me

my best...

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