Comentariile membrilor:

 =  :)
Corina Gina Papouis
[02.May.12 14:00]
..and because some twigs are rather weak God loves us all!:p
Nice reading you today!

Cheers Willy!

 =  Thanks a lot, Corina-
John Willy Kopperud
[02.May.12 22:33]
I personally know a small number of people who have been labelled with a diagnosis of one kind or the other and I do tend to admire them. They put up a fight every day, often in a most impressive way. Those people deserve the respect of citizens who are regarded "normal", by sheer luck. It's like the refrain of a sixties song: "Therefore but for fortune goes you my friend or I."
Cheers from Willy

+ keep it coming
Veronica Vãleanu
[25.May.12 11:35]
Willy, your mind has sharpened lately :), you've had these crystal-clear flashes, which from a certain perspective are perfectly-shaped blocks of meaning. I even noticed that if I focus on reading it like a flash I don't even have the time to breathe!


 =  err
Veronica Vãleanu
[25.May.12 11:35]

 =  Thanks a lot
John Willy Kopperud
[26.May.12 16:33]
for your appreciation, Veronica! I've noticed a number of times that my very short ones with a twist tend to be the best. Having said as much I must admit that I'm a bit off and on in English. The "psyche" of languages differ and sometimes it takes some time to adapt from my mother tongue to English, in spite of the fact that I'm fluent. There is a bit more to literature than being fluent.
Cheers from Willy

+ *
dan marius
[30.May.12 12:41]
short but brilliant.

 =  Thanks a lot-
John Willy Kopperud
[31.May.12 13:17]
for your appreciating my modest wish Marius! May the insane be respected!
Cheers from Willy

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