Comentariile membrilor:

+ good
Veronica Vãleanu
[02.May.12 08:50]
I think this is your best text so far. It is a moment when you broke apart from your former style, and that is the best approach to power. I think you are reconnecting to a more ancient power of yours - a power that despite the decantation in time, urges you to a higher you (in writing and not only). It gives you a crystal-clear voice.

I would like you to keep it by your side when creating, in the same style. It is a precious resource.

looking forward to more texts like this one,

 =  To manage
John Willy Kopperud
[05.May.12 13:57]
the discrimination between things and people is essential for a family's emotional and material existence. Your admiration for your mother's way of handling this crisis shines through the lines; that's why I appreciate this.
Cheers from Willy

 =  contents
Vavila Popovici
[01.Jun.12 22:52]

Answer to Mrs. Veronica Valeanu:
I am happy for the appreciation of my poem and I hope you find the same crystal clear voice in my other poems, which I will post.
Thank you, I am grateful.

Answer to John Willy Kopperud
I am thankful for the attention granted to my text, and for the support. I would be happy if you didn't look over my other poems.
With gratitude, Vavila.

 =  Vavila!
John Willy Kopperud
[10.Jun.12 19:10]
Soon I'll check out other contributions of yours. I know I'm not the most responsive or hardest working coeditor in here, but quite often it's a pleasure reviewing poems.
Cheers from Willy

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