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 =  detailed minimalism...
Romulus Campan Maramuresanu
[10.Apr.12 22:10]
Welcome Petru,

Glad to have read you today, an interesting style, detailed minimalism I may say...
Unfortunately may brain's numb by now; wish I could write out my heart, but accept my sincereness for now...
Will be reading you.


PS. Please do not deny anyone's right to give you stars should you deserve them... They value your poems first, before their author... Don't deny your poems' right to be valued... Poetry comes TO you before coming FROM you...

 =  do you copy
Ovidiu Tataru
[11.Apr.12 18:44]
do you copy?!
you've just made a regular reader,mate!

 =  .
Petru Teodor
[14.Apr.12 18:15]
Thank you for your shadow over me! I shall try to make the following parts as interesting as these are...
Unfortunately, as regarding to the stars they will only increase my own shadow inside. And that is unacceptable, isn't it?
It's hard enough to take the burden of the flesh, the pride will bring only sorrow to my spirit and will destroy my soul in the end...
So let it be as it is!
It's not about poetry, it's about the human that stands beside it. The poems (my? poems)need more peace! And so do I !

Thank you!

P.S.: And yes, I Have receive the message O.T. Thank you, mate! Cheers! God bless you and Happy Easter!

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