Comentariile membrilor:

 =  nobody lives in nyc, we're just passing by
ion a
[27.Feb.12 07:20]
nice narrative overall, just slightly prefab, kind of offering the reader _exactly_ what she expects. wasn't "missed connections" some kind of personals column in the village voice or something like that? given the title, i was expecting a little more magic, like that encapsulated in the hope that a fleeting moment, a furtive glance, could be somehow recaptured by posting a note in the paper

it's still about nostalgia, well conducted but a little stiff, a little ex cathedra

keep going

 =  Oh Dear! Was something missed here?
Olya Thompson
[10.Mar.12 19:02]
Response from the writer: The commentator (name?) seems to weigh down this modest little piece with his own (cultural?) expectations (Village Voice?) and does not read it simply for what it is and misses the universal sentiment of loss and displacement of an expatriate (no romantic encounter intended here). The use of "ex cathedra" (which means a dogmatic pronouncement) seems to apply more to the offhand criticim of this gentle piece abut a fleeting connection among the chaos of life in a big and anonymous city.
A more typical response posted ot the blog:
Olya. Loved your piece "Missed Connections". I have been a visitor to New York a few times which is so much like Bombay (India) where I grew up. You write so 'visually', almost like a film script. Being a film maker, i just couldn't help but 'see' your writing come alive into a short film - very poignant and sensitive. These big cities do make you feel like a dot on the horizon. I am sure going to get back to your blog. My best wishes. Suman Bajaj Kalra (Delhi, India)

 =  sorry to disappoint
ion a
[11.Mar.12 06:56]
thing with blogs, people who read them already like youyour writingopinions etc.
because they've probably found your blog doing a search for something they were looking for/interested in already

other places might be more treacherous, oh my, lions and tigers and bears :)

 =  Olya,
Veronica Vãleanu
[13.Mar.12 17:29]
the previous commentator expressed his point of view on your text, which any member of the community is entitled to, even if you might not agree with it. He offered his feedback, probably together with his several spare moments, to write it down.

I'm very surprised that you were offended by not being given the opportunity to know his entire name; whereas you resorted to the extreme, by giving here explicit details about who wrote on your blog and what. Are you sure that person wouldn't mind/ feel offended too, in this context?


 =  olya, tanya and svetlana
ion a
[13.Mar.12 19:30]
it's just that online there are no gestures, no body language to convey a more complex reaction and time being almost always short, comments can appear terse. the "commentator", himself an expat, feels kind of moved by a "modest little piece", a "gentle piece" which, somehow, sounds more convincing than the text itself. it might be just your choice of onomastics which seems too much (olya, tanya and svetlana), i've immediately associated "marfa petrovna" to that (which in romanian has some amusing connotations) :)


 =  We have only our words to rely on
Olya Thompson
[15.Mar.12 22:05]
I accept your statement about the limitations of conveying a reaction in print in a small space that may come across as abrupt. But as I writer, I must disagree with the statement that one cannot convey a complex and thought-provoking response in a few words.

After all, it is our purpose here to participate in a literary forum that builds with every comment and so bring additional insight and a variety of perectives to all who participate.

As writers, we do have to rely on only our words and be aware of what we say and how we say it -- and understand that our statements -- no matter how short-- do have an impact.

We are all in this together, as we are all believers in the power and beauty of words. That, at least, is why I find myself here.

 =  My Response to Veronica and Ion
Olya Thompson
[16.Mar.12 01:54]
Since you are an editor, I am surprised by your response. I never originally said I was offended, just surprised. It was my expectation that we try to be objective and helpful in our comments. Lack of time is not an excuse. Neither do I agree that anyone has the right to say anything, if it drags down the level of discourse.I do not think we all have the right to use sarcasm (Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my) when we comment on another's work or bring to a piece of writing a subjective notion of what we expect it to be, or subject it to ridicule (Marfa Petrovna). The Slavic names I used in the essay are real.

Never said that I was offended that no name was posted, just said I did not know the name or whom to address in my response. I am never wary of putting my name in public on anything I say. It is all too easy to criticize and hide behind a moniker.

I do take offense at being attacked for posting a well-meaning comment that is in the public forum.I do not personally know the random reader who posted a comment on this blog post, and neither is she a blog follwer as ion assumes, but I doubt she would be offended as the internet is a public forum and am sure she did it in encouragement and good faith. It is possible for us to all be encouraging and helpful to each other in our comments, as we are all in different stages of our writing, and all have something to contribute, and all of us could use some input.
And Ion, no, I am not disappointed in what you said, as I myself have no expectations of you, am just surprised at how you present yourself in this forum and at the level of your discourse, which is no reflection on me or my writng.

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Înapoi !