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 =  Frostbite
Wendy Mary Lister
[11.Oct.11 21:04]
I really do like this..beautiful poem Corina.....and it has a twist of subtle humour!

Best Wishes
Wendy Mary

 =  :p
Corina Gina Papouis
[11.Oct.11 21:09]
Thank you Wendy Mary! Pleased you felt its edge - because if you're not on the edge you're taking an awful lot of space:p. [or so they say...]


 =  Elegant
ofelia apostol
[12.Oct.11 00:30]
Elegant opening into many semantic levels and emotions. The poem's essence reveals itself at the very end after being skillfully deconstructed. I had the impression of a diagonal rhythm across the page. Thank you. Smiles, Ofelia

 =  for the love of love..
Corina Gina Papouis
[12.Oct.11 19:30]
I wish we had a 'love poetry' category for this poem as this is where frostbites belong..:p
Many thanks for your input. Most appreciated.


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