Comentariile membrilor:

 =  amazing
Mihaela Chiricã
[09.Oct.11 00:16]
This poem is so beautiful that words are meaningless. I've read the Romanian version as well. It's amazing how words can be mastered to achieve something so powerful.
The English version is also great.

+ Little birdie
[09.Oct.11 21:30]
Little birdie...on your little finger
Thanks for translating Corina enjoyed reading it with a smile on my face. Thanks Dorin and Cheers Corina. This is the "Muse of Trranslation".

+ .
Veronica Vãleanu
[10.Oct.11 16:20]
what an admirable initiative!

 =  :)
Corina Gina Papouis
[11.Oct.11 20:25]
Thank you all for your generous appreciation..the merit stays with the master of the poem.


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