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Marius Surleac
[09.Jun.11 17:32]
Wonderful piece of poetry Corina.
It's been some time since I haven't read something as beautiful as your poem. I think that the poem can be read listening "Ground control to Major Tom". The last staza is simply great.

Thanks for sharing.

 =  when Capa meets the sun..
Corina Gina Papouis
[09.Jun.11 20:55]
Thank you Marius, you made my day (and it's been a long day :D)..

The idea of the poem has its roots in the film Sunshine, which in my opinion, is one of the most beautiful apocalyptic sci-fi stories I've seen. The soundtrack is amazing, I am a big fan of John Murphy's work..

these are a few links that might give you a clue: for when Capa meets the sun, for what he sees in that moment, for what they saw after I think this film should be seen by all well as poets..

Thank you and Eugenia for the stars, I am glad they go well with Sunshine:)


 =  Always, always, always
John Willy Kopperud
[10.Jun.11 10:05]
the sun.
Cheers from Willy

 =  ***
Dely Cristian Marian
[11.Jun.11 22:29]
this poetry is marvelous, indeed. and let us exaggerate a little as its rays and sounds caused a solar storm, when ra himself tried to over-shine it.

i'm happy to having felt it.

(by the way, now i have a movie to see)


 =  jedi(s)
Corina Gina Papouis
[13.Jun.11 12:30]
may the sun be with you! Always always always!

(@DCM - is a must!:p)


 =  sweet and sunny
Motoc Lavinia
[15.Jun.11 20:46]
I find it very sweet and sunny.Thank you for the gravity ( don't let it go too easily, we need it to keep us grounded, I take it a gift!

 =  :p
Corina Gina Papouis
[18.Jun.11 12:31]
thank you Lavinia, gravity is good...on Earth, so you may keep mine...:p


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