Comentariile membrilor:

 =  p
Veronica Valeanu
[03.May.11 11:48]
the ending seems a bit ambiguous and it would be a pity

1[what is the sense of no in your eye?]
2[what is the sense of no in the eye?]
that [you] seems rather lost, with little support even from the inside meaning

 =  .
Petru Teodor
[03.May.11 20:28]
...yes! I've forgotten "the" article from the eye... (:))
But is a game of hearing & seeing, as well as my philosophy hidden inside.

So why don't you give it another chance (21-87)?

I will do my own critic over this text in a few days.
But as usual, no I am pretty pleased of this form.

Thank you for your presence here as well as on the other side!
Your commentaries are helping me a lot.
I've saw that you've evolved well on agonia.
God speed!

trying to,
but never the same,

+ yes
Veronica Valeanu
[04.May.11 08:31]
{I} is perfect!

+ welcome
dan marius
[05.May.11 18:01]
yes indeed. loved the idea. welcome.

 =  .
Petru Teodor
[08.May.11 11:08]
thank you for your warm welcoming.
that was unexpected!

Cheers, mates!

p.s.: I will write more tomorrow.

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Înapoi !