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 =  and here
Veronica Valeanu
[22.Mar.11 09:20]
a version, hopefully as intense for you too:

The morning dew sparkles as broken crystal.
You approached to kiss it.
Endure the burn, let me blast my petroglyphs
in your deepest layers

The face of the “I” standing before your eyes
hardly as Neon
today I light the candle of the “I”, not afraid
to lose its shine, so you may ask
Who are you for God's sake?
Who are the fertile fireflies of Love? where I
pledged on the dark prince, on the harshness of the hell-fire

Our force shall join the freshness of ambergris
cool all and bring joy
like a mother who, after giving birth, invites
all visible invisible creatures
at the banquet with the Cornucopia,
at the solid diamond table

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