Comentariile membrilor:

 =  title
Eugenia Reiter
[19.Mar.11 11:24]
Please do not use explicit words in the title (general rule)
Please modify that.
Thank you!

 =  yes well
dan marius
[20.Mar.11 19:50]
can't modify it because I didn't write it. however the alternative rock band "the national" can. feel free to write to them : (although I wouldn't get my hopes up)

song: sin eaters, album high violet expanded edition.

 =  there there
dan marius
[20.Mar.11 20:43]
and yes I did it. just for you. just to make you happy. are you happy? :)

+ a cage for everybody
ion a
[21.Mar.11 06:19]
i would make "the edge of the cage" your next volume's title :)

"kings and queens of sex and drugs and/ silence" leaves me with this nagging sensation that it could be improved, "silence" is kind of not falling in the right place :-)

overall, nice comeback

 =  very
Eugenia Reiter
[21.Mar.11 14:51]
Yes, I am very happy, I will celebrate this:)

 =  hey there
dan marius
[21.Mar.11 17:03]
@ ion
hmm might take you up on that.. "the edge of the cage" as a title sounds great. not so sure about "the silence" though. not because I'm stubborn :) but because that's the "line" that I like the like the most.
thanks for passing by. not much of a comeback though, writing withering speeches for the fucked (that was the original title, but it obviously saddened one of the editors and I like my editors happy and well taken care of :)
anyways she was right.. decency people, decency. I must have grown :)

@ eugenia
celebrate responsibly :)

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