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+ Vitality, beauty-
John Willy Kopperud
[19.Oct.10 20:07]
and it makes me feel good to read a love poem of this kind. I regard it as such, though you label it "personal", Gunsel. Yes, it may be personal but it does not lack anything as to poetic quality.
Cheers from Willy

 =  "Belonging"
[20.Oct.10 00:05]
Hi Willy

Thanks for your comment. Here need of clarification arise. Just because I can not categorise my poems I started clicking the "personal" section. Actually it is true that I always write my poems as personal's because I live it I just don't make things cut the long story short To me when my poems are read and liked at that moment they belong to the reader.

Cheers! Willy:):)

 =  Poems are poems-
John Willy Kopperud
[20.Oct.10 12:43]
Gunsel. I don't think that categorization is such a big deal. Personally I tend to fictionalize quite often, but a large number of my contributions are based on
personal experiences.

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