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 =  Luminiţa, I am grateful!
Ada Ionescu
[27.Sep.10 09:03]
Good morning and thank you for recommending my poem. I'm so glad that it resonated to the other end of the world, in Ottawa! I am grateful. I haven't written lately because of other concerns and I was a little afraid that I lost touch with poetry. Thank you!

 =  Lovely!
Sydney Krivenko
[28.Sep.10 02:45]
Ada, this is beautiful, right up my street! I love the tender tone and the full sentiments in your poem. This is real poetry.
I write in a similar style. I can feel the autumn in your poem and the sadness to see summer leave. Lovely!
Thank you!

 =  Thank you, Sydney
Ada Ionescu
[29.Sep.10 18:25]
Dear Sydney, thank you for the feedback. I am very glad you found " that something" in the few lines of mine. I look forward to some spare time to read all your poems. Until then, my thanks and best regards.

 =  I see beautiful signs-
John Willy Kopperud
[18.Oct.10 12:43]
of melancholy joy in these lines!
Cheers from Willy

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