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 =  a swan-shaped floral tribute
[25.Sep.09 23:37]
Hi Willy and thanks for sharing this poem with us.
The music world lost Bolan on 16/09/1977 two weeks before his 30th B'day.

At his funeral by David Bowie and Rod Stewart, a swan-shaped floral tribute was displayed outside the service in recognition of his breakthrough hit single.


 =  If there were stars for good comments, Gunsel-
John Willy Kopperud
[26.Sep.09 10:15]
-this one would be a winner. Here you offer information about Bolan's funeral which I had no knowledge of. Swan-shaped floral tribute? Wonderful! At home I have a Bolan/T-Rex box with four CD's and a track listing in chronological order, from 1965 to 1977. The written bio in the box is good, but it does not include details connected to the artist's funeral. Thank you so much!
Cheers from Willy

 =  you are welcome!
[28.Sep.09 09:20]
You are welcome Willy. I was a fan of his and I do remember how he died in a car crash. Bolan and his girl friend who was driving the car both didn't had their seat belts on...

Bolan was always scared of driving himself!


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