Comentariile membrilor:

 =  you
Corina Gina Papouis
[02.Sep.09 18:18]
are such a minx in this one!:) you flirt with the reader and it suits you...the personification of the guitar is brilliant. I would get rid of the first 'listen' or even the second, as it does not achieve too much.

thank you for sharing this hot piece of work.:)


 =  =my third eye!
[02.Sep.09 20:40]
Hi Corina

As you have advised amendments are done. Thanks for liking. You are my third eye, hey. thanks:):)

+ Rhythm-
John Willy Kopperud
[03.Sep.09 11:50]
-meldy and passion are a trio that go extremely well along with poetry.
A fine one, Gunsel!
Cheers from Willy

 =  =melody
[03.Sep.09 19:35]
Thanks Willy,

I bet you are the Master of the lyrics & the poetry you know it very well, hey!

Thanks for the star.


 =  love&music
Laura Cherecheº
[04.Sep.09 21:32]
we are just like musical instruments, "dumb" unless love plays us :-)
I really enjoyed this one.


 =  =Cheers!
[05.Sep.09 09:52]
Thanks for your comment Laura

You are right "Love and music makes the world go round".


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