Comentariile membrilor:

 =  =Love to
[29.Aug.09 14:34]
Please book me a place...

 =  Gunsel
Corina Gina Papouis
[29.Aug.09 15:30]
there are a couple of links posted at the end of the text. please follow the first one and book a place for the day:) you have also met Diana Varbanescu...

 =  thank you
Edilberto González Trejos
[05.Sep.09 19:17]
Thank you for introducin both the author and his work!

The issues that Bogdan reveals in his work are quite a reflection of Our Times, regardless where we are.


 =  true!
Corina Gina Papouis
[05.Sep.09 20:36]
such times are hard to forget, regardless where we are, or how old we are...and Bogdan and his work are living proof.

Thank you SONGO!

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