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 =  picture of a changing soul
Andreea Neacsu
[17.Aug.05 15:25]
"paths are always onto the tenth violet tree"
You made me imagine an interesting image. I cannot explain it though, it has the colors of the soul... and who can define the colors of the soul?

"watch them when autumn
is drawing to a close
then leave"

For some reason the above lines remind me of a wave.

waving my hand,

 =  >> Andreea: thank you
Alina Manole
[18.Aug.05 22:20]
A certain doctrine says that there are ten forces which intervene between the Infinite, God and our World. So, God created the Universe and rules it through these ten forces. The violet branch of the Sefirotic Tree is Tif'eret, the Beauty.

The colours of the soul... interesting question, but you can seek its answer within your own soul, because the colours are the same in any individual, where violet or yellow or blue shines, it depends on his / her spirituality, doesn't it?

Thank you for your comment. I hope you'll think at the colour of your soul and you'll tell me about them in a future poem.

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