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 =  rich
adriana anusca
[27.Mar.05 19:25]
rich lines.

 =  This one really drags me towards the real world
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[28.Nov.05 08:10]
Great one, it really pulled me to your senses, as if it showed something great that could have pulled me away towards yours, as magnetism, anyway i haved a great deal with this one, As I loved and that stuff really made me crazy that I forgot who am I as i craved for the earthly things, sometimes when making love.

sooooo nice,
more power..

 =  good
Dana Muºat
[03.Feb.06 22:03]
A little bit of power descending from your verses and a liitle bit of tenderness..this two things are making a good poem.
I liked the images i had found on your text.
I thing every single word has a real magnetism which gives a great force to your poem.

Great style of writting.

 =  amazed
anca anghel novac
[07.Feb.06 15:34]
I'm really amazed about your comments. Really amazed...
Thank you.

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