Comentariile membrilor:

 =  congratulations
[04.Nov.05 15:37]
I was waiting for this... Congratulations my dear Sir. Your "BESTEST poem evers". walking. just music. then silence. on the narrow ledge. I keep thinking of Vincent and his last walk through the fields, carrying his easel. eyes wide shut Sir. Indeed indeed. Well.. keep writing.

 =  eyes wide shut
Dana Muºat
[04.Nov.05 16:00]

it is an interesant poem.
Your images are short, but they are full with symbols.

"do not kneel"-and if they'll do?

 =  Outstanding
Edilberto González Trejos
[05.Nov.05 18:59]
A poem for an Anthology!!!


 =  to :
andreea l.
[10.Nov.05 17:44]
dan: maybe
dana: they know they should but they don't
songo: neah

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