Members comments:

 =  memories of life, [Coffee]
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[15.Jan.06 10:38]
I can’t stand[the] sensations in my coffee
I can’t stand[the] thoughts in my coffee

I think I wanna drink some coffee, like you, And call my own waiteress, I wanna drink till I drown my self awake from the memory of my past, those old days, unforgetable, I would be glad to drink some more, Till I Burst......

Gotcha! :P

+ nice
ion amariutei
[17.Jan.06 01:07]
nice recipe, blending sensations, aromas, memory. turning small talk into a suddenly meaningful monologue where life becomes interesting because it's so simple, just like sipping a cup of coffee.

 =  Coffee break
raj thampi
[23.Jan.06 15:28]
Wow! So illustrative. Really really loved reading it again again and again. By coincidence it was my coffee break :) Looking forward for more coffee

 =  glad you like my coffee
Lidia Georgescu
[24.Jan.06 15:09]
guys, thank you very much for your comments, it's such a pleasure to see that someone has something to say about my poems. And since I logged in today I'm looking forward to reading your poems :)

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